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  • Remote or on-site operational management of your databases. 24h a day, 7days a week

  • All installations, migrations, upgrades on every platform for Oracle or MSSQL

  • Tuning and problem solving

  • Securing your environment with backup -, high-availability- and fail-over solutions

  • Health-check of your environment

  • Training of your DBA


A DBA on demand

Database services only when you need them delivered by a trained professional. Ideal when your own DBA is unavailable or when you are in need of specific knowledge.



The monthly fee is far below the cost of a full-time DBA also the price-quality of the services delivered is amongst the most attractive on the market


The unique blend of getting experience in a variety of environments, the continuous training and the internal communication at Caitlann ensures that we will always come with the best solution for your environment.

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